
Palm oil mill plant

palm oil mill plant

Palm oil mill plant introduction :
Equipments system of palm oil processing machine as follows:
1.Fruit reception system
2. Sterilizer system
3.Threshing system
4. Pressing system
5. Fiber, cake, shell and kernel separation system
6.Clarification system

Each equipment of Palm oil mill plant:
Weighing:Transport palm fruit to factory after truck weighing so as to make prompt settlement and production cost subsequent.
Unloading palm fruit.Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) are sent to fermentation tank through transportation machinery after sieving and impurities removing. The time from picking up to fermentation should be less than 24 hours, or the free fatty acid(FFA) will rise, which will not be conductive for further processing and production of palm oil from palm oil making machine.
Sterilizer. FFB will pass high pressure and high temperature sterilization after entering fermentation tank. It will soft and make sterilization for FFB.
Threshing. Threshing machine will separate both palm fruits and empty fruit bunches(EFB) after FFB soften during fermentation.
Crushing. Mixing tank will mesh and crush palm fruit until broken after fruit threshing.
Pressing. The crushed palm fruit will be leaching out from screw extrusion of palm oil pressing machine.
Fiber separation. The extrude fiber pie enters air separation system after crushed to get separation of fibers and cores.
Separation. Crusher divided fruit core into palm kernel and shell after separated with fiber. Air separation and washing systems separate palm kernels and shells. Shells enters boiler system as fuel, and palm kernels are storage after drying.
Oil clarification. Crude palm oil (CPO) contains moisture and impurities after palm oil pressing. CPO begins primary treatment through sand tank and screen, enters vertial clarification tank to make heating and stirring, and finally separate into waste oil and edible vegetable oil. Edible vegetable oil is sent to crude oil storage tank after drying. Waste oil will be retreatment and recovery after desanding and centrifugation.

Craft flow of
Palm oil mill plant:
1.palm fruit/bunch → sterilization → threshing → digesting → clarification → purification →dring → CPO→ refining → bleaching → deodorizing →RBD palm oil → crystallization → fractionation → RBD olein & RBD stearin
2.palm kernel →depericarper → crushing → pressing → CPKO →  refining → RBDPK oil , RBDPK olein & RBDPK stearin
palm oil mill process

Palm oil mill plant has the features as follows:
1 Compact and strong structure, and easy operation.
2 The automatic control system which can adjust barrel pressure.
3 High oil pressing efficiency, and residual oil in cake is less than 8%.
4 Low crushing efficiency for palm nut.

Contact information:
Skype:  sophia.zang1
Phone:  +86-371-5677 1823
Mobile:  +86-135 2662 7860
Email: palmoil@doingmachinery.com

