
Corn germ oil processing machine

corn germ oil processing machine
corn germ oil processing machine

Corn germ oil processing machine
Corn germ oil processing machine

As a leading cooking oil mill machinery supplier in China, we have earned good reputation in the world's oil making industry by supplying premium quality machinery and turnkey projects, ranging from small scale to large scale. With rich experience and professional engineering, we are your best choice for the corn germ oil processing machine.

corn germ oil processing machine is designed to produce natural and premium quality vegetable oil from various plant seeds, including sesame, sunflower, soybean, palm kernel, peanut, rapeseeds, hempseeds, cotton seeds, etc.Typically, there are several processes within a corn germ oil processing machine: corn germ oil pretreatment & pressing machine, corn germ oil solvent extraction machine and corn germ oil refining machine

Pre-treatment of corn germ oil processing machine: It means to clean, crush, flake, cook, soften and more to ensure your raw material is well prepared for oil pressing.
Pretreatment section is a very important section before extraction or pressing section. It will directly affect extraction or pressing effect.
Pre-pressing: Use professional oil pressing machinery to press oil out from raw material.
Process characteristics of corn germ oil pretreatment & pressing machine:
(1) provide the appropriate production environment
(2) try our best to minimize grease total losses, improve the oil  yield , increase production and improve the quality of oil and cake meal;
(3) increase s comprehensive utilization for the impurities and residues;
(4)pretectly match oil extraction production line, design different production process according to different raw materials .
corn germ oil processing machine
corn germ oil processing machine
Extraction: It will maximize the oil yield and produce high quality crude oil.
Edible oil extraction machinery main process:
(1) The pressed cake (form prepressed workshop) send to cooking vegetable edible oil extraction machinery by the scraper conveyor. Mixed oil will extracted from the pressed cooking vegetable edible oil cake by the solvent. After this step, we will get cooking meal and mixed oil.
(2) Cooking vegetable edible oil meal will sent to the toaster. Through the toaster, the solvent will separate from the meal. The solvent goes to condenser and is reused to cooking vegetable edible oil extraction machinery.
(3) Mix oil from the cooking vegetable edible oil machinery enters into 1st evaporator and 2nd evaporator, most of the solvent in the mix oil is separated.
(4) The mix oil from 2nd evaporator goes to stripping tower and almost all the solvent is separated. From the stripping tower, we can get crude oil and solvent. The solvent is sent to condenser and is reused to cooking vegetable edible oil extraction machinery.
corn germ oil processing machine
corn germ oil processing machine

Refining: It refers to remove impurities from the oil for cooking or edible purpose
Corn germ oil refinery machine is to get rid of the harmful impurities and needless substances in the crude corn germ oil,aims at improving the oil storage stability,flavor and color.There are mainly five steps of corn germ oil refinery machine:degumming,deacidification,decolorization,deodorization and fractionation.The corn germ oil refinery machine can be used to pocess other oil seeds of different capacities as well.

Types of corn germ oil refinery machine:

1.Batch type corn germ oil refinery machine,suitable for small capacity like 1-2-3-5-10TPD;
2.Semi-continuous corn germ oil refinery machine,suitable for medium capacity like 10-50TPD;
3.Full continuous corn germ oil refinery machine,suitable for large capacity above 30TPD;

Contact information:

Skype:  sophia.zang1
Phone:  +86-371-5677 1823
Whatsapp/Mobile:  +86-135 2662 7860
Email: oilmachine@doingoilmachine.com

