
Various types crude palm oil refinery plant

What is palm oil refinery?

Oil refinery is based on the different usage and requirements, utilizing the physical methods and chemical processes to get rid of the harmful impurities and needless substance in the crude palm oil, getting standard palm oil.So palm oil refinery machine is the major equipment to refine crude palm oil.
Palm oil reifnery plant
 Equipment of Crude Palm Oil Refinery Process:
Edible oil reifning process flow chart

Degumming section of crude palm oil refinery:
Degumming is the first and basic step in the crude palm oil refinery plant, degumming process aims to removing the gum impurities in the crude oil to make it suitable for further refinery process, hydration degumming and special acid degumming are the two main methods.
Deacidification section of crude palm oil refinery:
The deacidification system uses versatile neutralization technology, which is developed to deal with oilseeds of different species and qualities in the oil refining plant, it can realize both degumming and neutralization processes by adding alkali, water and acid, then with FFA, crude phospholipids and moisture all removed, the oil and by products (soap foot, phospholipids) are separated.
Bleaching section of crude palm oil refinery:
The oil bleaching is also named decolorization in oil refinery processes. This process’s main purpose is to remove the product of oxidation, pigments, phospholipids, soap materials from the oil. In the oil refinery plant, this process can improve the oil color as well as supplies high quality oil for the deodorization process.
Deodorization section of crude palm oil refinry:
Deodorization section is very crucial in edible oil refinery plant in first grade oil production as it improves the flavor of the oil; the quality of deodorization equipment has great effect to the oil quality.

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